速報APP / 娛樂 / 105.5 WDHA Player

105.5 WDHA Player





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:3033 Riviera Drive, Suite 200 Naples, Florida 34103

105.5 WDHA Player(圖1)-速報App

For Over 30 years “The Legendary 105.5 WDHA FM” has done one thing…and only one thing….Rocked New Jersey. WDHA provides the Garden State with the Best Classic and New Rock with that famous Jersey Attitude! So, CRANK IT UP TO 11…WE’RE 105.5 WDHA, “THE ROCK OF NEW JERSEY”…ENOUGH SAID!

105.5 WDHA Player(圖2)-速報App

Please note: This app features Nielsen’s audience measurement software which will allow you to contribute to market research, such as Nielsen’s TV Ratings.

To learn more about our digital audience measurement products and your choices in regard to them, please visit http://www.nielsen.com/digitalprivacy for more information.